- Marriage -

Many players like to play with their partners, so we like to offer the marriage plugin! Any Rank can Marry their partner(s) (Yes, multiple partners are allowed! We support Polyamory!) and tp to them any time! Set a shared home! Give them heart-spam & hugs! Send them Items directly from your inventory! You can even become a "priest" and marry people, if you'd like! (But it's not required). 

  • /marry [name1] [name2] - Marries two players
  • /marry divorce [Name] - Divorces two players
  • /marry tp [name] - Teleports to the partner
  • /marry sethome [name] - Sets the home for two married players
  • /marry home [name]- Teleports to the home of married players
  • /marry chat - A private chat for those married to one-another.
  • /marry chat toggle - Toggles the chat to send all chat messages to the partner instead of to the public
  • /marry pvpon - Turns PvP between two married players on
  • /marry pvpoff - Turns PvP between two married players off
  • /marry kiss [name] - To kiss your partner (You can also crouch+right-click your partner to "kiss" or heart-spam)
  • /marry gift [name] - Gifts the item in your hand to your partner
  • /marry backpack [name] - Opens the backpack of your partner
  • /marry backpack on - Allows your partner to use your backpack
  • /marry backpack off - Disallows your partner to use your backpack
  • /marry [name] - Sends a player a marry request
  • /marry priest [name] - Sets a priest